Montague Keen - September 6,
The right people are
surfacing all over the world who are ready and willing to share their knowledge
with humanity. They have been preparing and researching how to deal with
whatever the Cabal does, its plans and hopes of destroying humanity, and the
structure of its existence on Earth. Ensure that you prepare for whatever chaos
develops. Food and water must be put by for when you need them. The Cabal has
been busy hoarding all they may need. They hope to ride out the chaos and then
start again, with just a few compliant humans to serve them. This is their big
Take Over Dream. It will show its hand in America, when the Pope joins others
who also serve the Cabal, in this month of September. Do not be taken in by
You are now awake to their
plans. You must concentrate on your own survival and the survival of the human
race. Do not be persuaded by those who are well versed in creating FEAR in you.
The same people run all religions, all governments, and all banks etc;
everything that has made living life on Earth such a struggle to survive. How
could you possibly believe anything they say. They have wiped out millions of
you, through their illegal wars, famines, and the holocaust in Ireland, that
was organised and overseen by the Jesuits. How could you possibly trust these
people. Look at their record. It does not make nice reading. Chris Everard, of
ENIGMA FILMS, has done excellent research on this subject. He has produced a
work that should be read and applauded by all who seek the truth. When you
learn what he has revealed, it will open your eyes to the truth that was hidden
from you. I implore you to find the time to read this work. Knowing this
information could save your life and prevent the extinction of the human race
on Earth.
There is no time to
procrastinate. It is time to prepare to take action that will enable you to
deal with whatever you need to cope with, for the survival of the human race. I
have told you, many times, that September is when the Cabal will show its hand.
Every day you are witnessing humanity struggling for its survival on the shores
of Europe. These people were deliberately displaced through war, in order to
TAKE OVER THE EARTH. Remember, your suffering and pain is the OXYGEN they need
to exist on Earth. They need a lot of this to take over the Earth and to
destroy humanity.
The babies they sacrifice,
no longer produce sufficient oxygen for their plans! The Cabal shows no mercy.
They are not capable of it. They despise you, and they use you to protect
themselves. So many of you have returned to Earth especially for this
Transition, so you must support each other. Money will not buy you protection
from the Cabal. They do not want you, so do not think you can buy your
survival. They have successfully conned humanity for hundreds of years. You are
only just waking up to it now. You have a lot of catching up to do. Look around
you: who do you trust? Nothing is as it seems. The Cabal has controlled
everything for so long and everything is stacked against you.
Come together and you can
defeat them. They cannot take on the 99%. When those who serve the Cabal and
keep them in control, wake up, such as those in the armies, the police, and the
governments, and they realise that they are destroying their fellow human
beings, then you will see the Cabal falter and disappear from the Earth.
Remember, THERE IS NO HELL. Only an EVIL MIND could create such a place. The
God of Love, the Source, could never contemplate such suffering for his people.
The ten commandments are a FALSE creation of the Cabal, to ensure you were kept
under control. THERE WAS NO CROSS, and NO CRUCIFIXION. It was all made up to
control you, and it is ALL BASED ON LIES. There was a Christ, who walked the
Earth. He was not born of woman, and he ascended when it was his time to leave.
There was NO FICTICIOUS BIRTH in Bethlehem, NO CRUCIFIXION; it was a story,
invented to capture your imagination and to be instrumental in your control.
The people who did this, do
not belong to the human race. They have no empathy with humanity. They serve
only themselves. Their objective is to wipe out the human race, leaving only a
few to serve them. Veronica knows only too well, how heartless they are, as she
has suffered much at their hands, after my passing. She is now remembering much
of what I told her when I was at her side. It is all becoming clear now. These
are testing times, my friends. Never has it been more important to come
together and stand together.
It is a joy to see the Irish
people coming together to take control back from the banksters. They have found
their POWER, and they have found their voice. They will lead the way. All the
other countries will follow their lead. It has started: People Power is showing
that it can be done when you come together. The world is watching you, Ireland,
and willing you to succeed.
My dear wife is finding the
right people to bring to your attention, to inspire you to become the powerful
beings of light that you are. Help comes when you most need it. Thank you, S,
for advising and supporting M. It was not her time to go.
My dear, you have been
advised. Try to act on that advice, as it will help you. You have work to do
and you need the strength to do it.
Always at your side, your
adoring, Monty.
The second part of the interview with Harald Kautz-Vella is now available. David from Galway in Ireland, has written to me. He is prepared to lead the recovery of the energy from the ley lines in Ireland. Please help him to do this for the world.
Message from David Egan:
My name is David Egan, I am
the person involved in setting up groups to do ley line work in Ireland. The
objective of this work is to bring healing and peace to the Irish people and the
Irish nation. This work may expand over time to assist other nations and races,
and help them achieve healing, liberation and peace.
I have spoken with Veronica Keen about this and she is supportive, and will assist in this. I also support her work for healing centres in Ireland, which would enhance and add further value to the ley line work. I am a firm believer that this healing, especially deep healing at the spiritual, soul, emotional and mental levels, is necessary for the Irish people and other peoples, and would serve as a stepping stone towards achieving liberation, social / economic / legal justice based on respect (for all) and a more harmonious, tolerant and peaceful world. Something which is very much in demand in the world today, as one can see from the news.
Last week I contacted several experts in the field of ley lines and vortexes (intersections of ley lines where there is a high concentration of energy and power), and I asked for maps of these ley lines and vortexes. Some ley lines and vortexes have been identified in Ireland. There is no map of them all, only bits of info here and there, which was difficult to find on the Internet and collect. It took me several days to find this, and I have collected these and attached them to this email. I hope to gather further info in the coming weeks from our ley line experts.
Once we get enough people involved in one group we will establish a timetable to meet once a week in a place where a few ley lines meet, a vortex, and carry out the activities and work to bring healing, liberation and peace to the Irish people and nation. Over time we can expand this to 2 or 3 meetings a week, and set up other groups, so that there is continuous healing taking place on a weekly basis.
I was unable to contact you earlier this week, as my computer was attacked by a virus or hacker which cut off my Internet connection and network settings, and it could not be resolved by several technical experts. I have been told that other people, involved in this healing work and ley line work, suffered similar attacks to their computers in the past year. It may or not be malicious or criminal, but it is certainly suspicious that those people involved in this work have their computers attacked. Its the first time someone attacked my computer system, and I had a fairly good security system. I have had to acquire additional security software in the last few days in order to fully protect and secure my computer system and network. There are some people who are opposed to healing and peace, and prefer to profit from war, injustices and divisions, and this has come to light in the press and news recently, shocking many people ; the 'cabal' is the term often used to describe these people. It would be wise to invest in good anti-virus software and firewall, I recommend Avira AntiVir anti-virus software and Comodo firewall and Spybot search and destroy. They are the best I know of.
I will keep you updated on the group formation phase and a timetable for ley line work. I hope to start this September.
Best Regards
David Egan
I have spoken with Veronica Keen about this and she is supportive, and will assist in this. I also support her work for healing centres in Ireland, which would enhance and add further value to the ley line work. I am a firm believer that this healing, especially deep healing at the spiritual, soul, emotional and mental levels, is necessary for the Irish people and other peoples, and would serve as a stepping stone towards achieving liberation, social / economic / legal justice based on respect (for all) and a more harmonious, tolerant and peaceful world. Something which is very much in demand in the world today, as one can see from the news.
Last week I contacted several experts in the field of ley lines and vortexes (intersections of ley lines where there is a high concentration of energy and power), and I asked for maps of these ley lines and vortexes. Some ley lines and vortexes have been identified in Ireland. There is no map of them all, only bits of info here and there, which was difficult to find on the Internet and collect. It took me several days to find this, and I have collected these and attached them to this email. I hope to gather further info in the coming weeks from our ley line experts.
Once we get enough people involved in one group we will establish a timetable to meet once a week in a place where a few ley lines meet, a vortex, and carry out the activities and work to bring healing, liberation and peace to the Irish people and nation. Over time we can expand this to 2 or 3 meetings a week, and set up other groups, so that there is continuous healing taking place on a weekly basis.
I was unable to contact you earlier this week, as my computer was attacked by a virus or hacker which cut off my Internet connection and network settings, and it could not be resolved by several technical experts. I have been told that other people, involved in this healing work and ley line work, suffered similar attacks to their computers in the past year. It may or not be malicious or criminal, but it is certainly suspicious that those people involved in this work have their computers attacked. Its the first time someone attacked my computer system, and I had a fairly good security system. I have had to acquire additional security software in the last few days in order to fully protect and secure my computer system and network. There are some people who are opposed to healing and peace, and prefer to profit from war, injustices and divisions, and this has come to light in the press and news recently, shocking many people ; the 'cabal' is the term often used to describe these people. It would be wise to invest in good anti-virus software and firewall, I recommend Avira AntiVir anti-virus software and Comodo firewall and Spybot search and destroy. They are the best I know of.
I will keep you updated on the group formation phase and a timetable for ley line work. I hope to start this September.
Best Regards
David Egan
Ley Lines Document:
Sites of Ley Lines,
Intersections of Ley Lines / Vortexes in Ireland and Britain
- Tara Hill
- Uisneach
- St. Michael Line running from Skellig Michael
- Newgrange
- Loughcrew
- Glastonbury Tor
- St. Michaels Mount (4 ley lines intersect,
including St. Michael line and St. Mary line)
- Royston cave (2 ley lines intersect, including
St. Michael line and St. Mary line)
- The St. Michael
- The St. Mary Line
- Stonehenge
- Bath abbey
- The ridge of the Malvern hills. Alfred Watkins
theorised that St. Ann's Well in Worcestershire is the start of a
ley line that passes along the ridge of the Malvern Hills through several springs including theHoly Well, Walms Well, and St.
Pewtress Well.
- Avebury stone
Bristol Dowers group has
info on these lines and sites
Sites des lignes Telluriques,
Intersections de lignes Telluriques / Vortex en Irlande et en Grande Bretagne
Grande Bretagne
groupe Bristol Dowers a des informations sur les Lignes Sacrées et les sites
Les lignes
telluriques en Irlande
Mon nom est David Egan, je suis la personne chargée de former
des groupes pour travailler sur les lignes telluriques en Irlande. L’objectif
de ce travail est d’apporter la guérison et la paix aux Irlandais et à la nation
Irlandaise. Ce travail pourrait s’étendre avec le temps pour aider d’autres
nations et races, et les aider à obtenir la guérison, la libération et la paix.
J’en ai parlé à Veronica Keen et elle me soutient et m’aidera
dans ce projet. Je soutiens également son projet de centres de guérison en
Irlande, qui améliorerait et valoriserait le travail sur les lignes
telluriques. Je crois fermement que cette guérison, particulièrement la
guérison en profondeur aux niveaux spirituel, de l’âme, émotionnel et mental,
est nécessaire pour les Irlandais et d’autres peuples, et pourrait servir de
tremplin pour arriver à la libération, à la justice sociale, économique,
judiciaire basée sur le respect de tous, et à un monde plus harmonieux,
tolérant et pacifique. C’est quelque chose qui est indispensable dans le monde
d’aujourd’hui, comme en témoignent les informations.
La semaine dernière, j’ai contacté plusieurs experts dans le
domaine des lignes telluriques et des vortex (intersections de lignes
telluriques où se situent une concentration élevée d’énergie et de pouvoir), et
j’ai demandé des cartes de ces lignes telluriques et de ces vortex. Certaines
lignes telluriques et certains vortex ont été identifiés en Irlande. Il
n’existe aucune carte qui les recense toutes, seules des bribes d’informations
disséminées ici et là, qu’il a été difficile de trouver sur internet et de
rassembler. Cela m’a pris plusieurs jours pour trouver cela, et je les ai
collectées et attachées à ce courriel. J’espère réunir d’autres informations
dans les semaines à venir grâce à nos experts en lignes telluriques.
Une fois que nous aurons suffisamment de personnes dans un
groupe, nous allons établir un calendrier pour nous réunir une fois par semaine
dans un lieu où convergent plusieurs lignes telluriques, un vortex, pour mener
les activités et effectuer le travail qui apporteront la guérison, la
libération et la paix aux Irlandais et à la nation irlandaise. Avec le temps
nous pourrons étendre nos activités à 2 ou 3 réunions par semaine, et
constituer d’autres groupes, afin qu’il y ait une guérison continuelle à une
fréquence hebdomadaire.
J’ai été incapable de vous contacter plus tôt cette semaine,
car mon ordinateur a été attaqué par un virus ou un pirate informatique qui a
coupé ma liaison à internet et mes paramètres de réseau, sans que des
spécialistes techniques puissent résoudre le problème. On m’a dit que d’autres
personnes effectuant ce travail de guérison et sur les lignes telluriques ont
fait l’objet d’attaques similaires de leur ordinateur au cours de l’année
écoulée. Cela peut ou ne pas être mal intentionné ou criminel, mais il est
assurément suspect que les personnes impliquées dans ce travail aient pu faire
l’objet d’une attaque de leur ordinateur. C’est la première fois que quelqu’un
s’en est pris à mon ordinateur et pourtant je disposais d’un assez bon système
de sécurité. J’ai été obligé de me procurer des logiciels de sécurité
supplémentaires au cours des derniers jours afin de protéger et sécuriser complètement
mon système informatique et mon réseau. Il y a des gens qui sont opposés à la
guérison et la paix, et qui préfèrent profiter de la guerre, des injustices et
des divisions, et cela a été révélé dans la presse de façon choquante pour
beaucoup de gens par les informations récentes, la « cabale »
est le terme souvent utilisé pour décrire ces personnes. Il serait sage
d’investir dans un bon logiciel antivirus et un bon pare-feu, je recommande Avira
AntiVir pour l’antivirus et Comodo pour le pare-feu et Spybot pour la recherche
et la destruction. Ce sont les meilleurs que je connaisse.
Je vais vous tenir au courant de la phase de formation du
groupe et du calendrier des travaux sur les lignes telluriques. J’espère
démarrer en septembre.
David Egan
- Tara Hill
- Uisneach
- St. Michael Ligne depuis la
source jusqu’à Skellig Michael
- Newgrange
- Loughcrew
Grande Bretagne
- Glastonbury Tor
- St. Michaël Mount (4 lignes
telluriques s’entrecroisent, y compris celle de St. Michael et de Ste.
Mary )
- Royston cave (2 Lignes
Telluriques se croisent, y compris la ligne St. Michael et Ste. Mary)
- Ligne St. Michael
- Ligne Ste. Mary
- Stonehenge
- Bath abbey (Pays de Galles)
- La crête de Malvern hills. Alfred
Watkins a écrit une théorie sur St. Ann's Well en Worcestershire,
laquelle est le commencement d’une ligne Sacrée qui traverse la crête de Malvern
Hills à travers divers sources y
compris Holy Well, Walms Well, et St. Pewtress Well.
- Avebury cercle de Pierres
Alignements en
Les alignements de
Carnac (Bretagne) Site Mégalithique
Les mégalithes de Carnac se différencient par leur alignement incroyable. Batîs
entre le Vème et le IIIème millénaire avant J.C, les deux principaux sites
(Ménec et Kermario) regroupent à eux seuls près de 3000 menhirs. Ces alignements
s'étendent sur près de 4
kilomètres ! Menhirs, dolmens, tumulus et autres
vestiges témoignent de l'architecture néolithique.
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